Creating Enthusiastic Young Readers

 Tips for Parents by Joyce Cockson, M.S.
Creating Enthusiastic Young Readers

Over the years I have been asked by parents numerous times “How do I get my child to read and enjoy it?” So I created the following menu to help parents in this venture.

• Become a good role model. You need to be a reader. Your child needs to see you read for both information and pleasure.

• Show your child that reading provides specific information to understand facts (e.g. reading the newspaper or a magazine).

• Designate a section of your child’s bedroom as a reading corner with bookshelf and books.

• Have your child design a sign for his/her bedroom door (e.g. “I’m a good reader”). Your child needs to see him/herself as a successful reader.

• Read to your child daily. Set aside a specific time. Encourage discussion and interaction while reading. Alternate the reading with your child (maybe a paragraph, a page). Increase length gradually.

• Read to younger siblings and encourage your child to join in.

• Find a genre or author your child likes through your read-aloud time and then try to get your child hooked.

• Find a regular time to visit your school or local library. Together pick out a “good” book for the next read aloud time.

• Visit with the librarian at your local library to help you find books that would be of interest to your child. Listen to all the librarian’s suggestions. Don’t worry about difficulty or reading level at this time. The suggested book can always become a read aloud or a shared reading time. Read excerpts to elicit some interest.

• Cooking? Have your child help with baking by reading the recipe.

• Use the newspaper.
Find a section of interest to your child (e.g. sports, comics), and follow it daily.

• Taking a trip? Have your child read the map, brochures, road signs (for motels & restaurants) along the way. Suggest keeping a journal/diary of the trip.

• Find a good joke book and have your child read a chosen joke to the family at dinner time.

• Make a sign “READING IN PROGRESS” for use during read aloud or independent reading time. It’s even better if your child is involved in the creation of this sign!

• Keep a chart of books read and set a goal (short at first). When goal is reached, your child earns the opportunity to shop at the bookstore for the next book for either read aloud or independent reading. See our free reading log and reward cards.

• Bought a new video or board game? Have your child read the directions for set up or game play.

About the Author:
Joyce Cockson has over 35 years experience teaching reading to children from kindergarten through sixth grade. As a Reading Specialist, she has worked with hundreds of children to improve their reading skills. In addition to her classroom experience, Joyce has assessed reading programs, conducted workshops for parents, developed incentive reading programs and tested students with reading disabilities. Joyce holds a Master of Science degree in reading. She is retired but keeps active in the education field by substitute teaching at various schools in her area.